Jiwon Woo
B.A. in Computer Science and Media Arts, M.F.A. in Biodesign
As a multidisciplinary designer and researcher, Jiwon integrates biology, creativity, and technology to deliver new design studies that suit both modern society’s needs and ecological sustainability. With eclectic experiences in industry, academia, and research, Jiwon has been committed to pushing the boundaries of biodesign and biofabrication, as she believes they have strong potential to unlock sustainable development as a route to unimagined possibilities using technology to protect and preserve both intangible human heritage and the natural environment we rely on. Most recently, she worked as a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania and as a design researcher at Biorealize. Jiwon is a winner of Bio Art and Design award 2017 and Ars Electronica (Artificial Intelligence & Life Art division) 2019. When she is not working, Jiwon can be found playing tennis or watching global independent movies.